
Internships are mentored by professionals in various fields and occur after school and/or on the weekend. Students apply, submit recommendations, and are interviewed for these positions. Entrance is based on interest and a history of strong employability skills, like punctuality, good attendance, and problem solving/team work ability.

Students are required to work a minimum of 100 hours at these jobs, usually for no salary, but they receive a half credit and a grade through an independent study contract. Examples of past internships include work at an art gallery or craft school, with a Web designer, in an accounting office, with a vet, at a museum, and in the recreation department of a nursing home. Several customer service internships have been arranged.

Mrs. O'Neill, the Internship Coordinator, tries to match student interest and ability with mentors, both in New Milford and in surrounding communities, who want to work with student interns. Marking period grades are based on evaluations by internship mentors done each marking period.

Internships start at the beginning of each semester. Interns show evidence of their accomplishments in a public forum at the end of each semester.The final presentation and report are the student's final exam grade.