Mission Statement
The mission of the New Milford Public Schools, a collaborative partnership of students, educators, family and community, is to prepare each and every student to compete and excel in an ever-changing world, embrace challenges with vigor, respect and appreciate the worth of every human being, and contribute to society by providing effective instruction and dynamic curriculum, offering a wide range of valuable experiences, and inspiring students to pursue their dreams and aspirations.
Work Achieve Value Empower
- Work to become lifelong learners & peer collaborators who meet challenging goals by applying 21st century skills.
- Achieve through hard work, honest reflection, & self-advocacy using critical thinking & problem solving.
- Value civic responsibility & the diversity within our community & global society.
- Empower students & teachers to become curious, creative, innovative, & insightful.

Administrative Staff

Mr. Kevin Best
Assistant Principal
Oversees Students/Last Names A-G
860-350-6647, Ext 1168
Mr. Anthony Blake
Assistant Principal
Oversees Students/Last Names H-O
860-350-6647, Ext 1303
Ms. Megan Dwyer
Assistant Principal
Oversees Students/Last Names P-Z
860-350-6647, Ext 1303
Mrs. Lauren Bergner
Supervisor of Special Education
860-350-6647, Ext 2306