Green Wave Athletics Mission Statement
The mission of the New Milford High School Athletic Department is to provide, within its context of resources, an environment that supports the educational objectives, academic progress and general welfare of student-athletes allowing them to compete at levels of excellence. Our department fosters an inclusive environment that nurtures intellectual growth, physical development and social interaction. We strive to develop student-athletes with values reflecting the richness and diversity of the New Milford community. The athletics experience is an extension of the educational process whereby student-athletes acquire the skill, characteristics and self-confidence that will enable them to reach their full potential. The athletics program is committed to assisting student-athletes to achieve their academic and physical potential by learning to develop worthy goals for a meaningful life.
Director of Athletics: Keith Lipinsky
Email: Phone: 860-350-6647 ext. 1411 Fax: 860-210-2257
Spring Sports Registration and Spring Meeting
Good Afternoon NMHS Students and Families,
Reminder that registration for Spring Sports at New Milford High School is open.
Please register for Spring Sports as early as possible using Final Forms at:
When you register, make sure that for all required forms, the electronic signature for BOTH the Parent and the Student are completed. Additionally, it is required that you upload a copy of the student's current physical to the document section of the registration. This allows our nurse to view and approve each student athlete. In order to be cleared for Winter Sports, all forms in the registration must be electronically signed by both the parent and student, and a current physical must be uploaded to Final Forms for our nurse to approve. Please register by Monday, March 10th to give our nurses enough time to check physicals and clear students for participation.
The Spring Sports Information and Meet the Coaches Night will be held on Wednesday, March 5th at 5:30PM in the Main Gym. Mr. Lipinsky will give a brief presentation and then teams will go to breakout rooms to meet the coaches and go over team specific information leading up to the Spring Season. All prospective Spring Athletes and at least 1 parent/guardian are expected to attend.
Academic Eligibility to start the Spring Season will be based on 2nd Marking Period grades to start the season. Any student wishing to participate in a Spring Sport must have passed at least 4.0 credits worth of courses for the 2nd Marking Period. If a student did not pass at least 4.0 credits worth of courses for the 2nd Marking Period, they are ineligible to participate in any official games/competitions until the 3rd Marking period grades are released, provided he/she passed at least 4.0 credits worth of course for the 3rd Marking period.
Spring Sports and Start Dates
Baseball - Monday, March 15th Pitchers and Catchers, Saturday, March 22nd Tryouts Grades 9-12
Softball - Saturday, March 15th Pitchers and Catchers and Conditioning, March 22nd Tryouts Graders 9-12
Boys Lacrosse - Saturday, March 22nd Tryouts Grades 9-12
Girls Lacrosse - Saturday, March 22nd Tryouts Grades 9-12
Boys Tennis - Monday, March 24th Tryouts Grades 9-12
Girls Tennis - Monday, March 24th Tryouts Grades 9-12
Boys Track and Field - Saturday, March 22nd Practice Grades 9-12
Girls Track and Field - Saturday, March 22nd Practice Grades 9-12
Boys Volleyball - Saturday, March 22nd Tryouts Grades 9-12
Unified Sports Track and Field - TBA
FINAL FORMS New Sports Registration Platform
We are very excited to announce that the New Milford High School Athletic Department has partnered with FinalForms, an online forms and data management service. FinalForms allows you to complete and sign athletic participation forms for your students. The most exciting news is that FinalForms saves data from season-to-season and year-to-year, meaning that you will never need to enter the same information twice! FinalForms also pre-populates information wherever possible, for each of your students, saving you time.
You may review your data at any time to verify it is current. You will be required to sign your forms once per year and after any update.
Click on the Parent Playbook (Link) to get started in FinalForms. If you require any support during the process, scroll to the page bottom and click “Get Help”.
We are asking the parents/guardians of all students planning to play sports to create accounts in FinalForms and register your student(s).
Please register by August 5th at: and follow the prompts to create your account, create your students and sign your forms.
Thank you for your assistance in streamlining our paperwork processes at New Milford High School.
Keith Lipinsky
Athletic Director
All New Milford Students are Free Admission for the 2024-2025 school year. Must show your stuent ID or Powerschool for entry. Tickets to all Evening Varsity Home Games starting after 5:00PM can be purchased digitally through GoFan for $5 for Adults at:
There will also be a cash option at the gate of $7 for Adults.
Senior Citizens and are Free. Children wearing their Youth New Milford Sports Jerseys get in for Free.
Fall Sports Letter 2024-2025
May 31, 2024
Dear Student Athletes and Families,
Greetings to our returning NMHS Student-Athletes and a big welcome to our incoming Freshman Class of 2028! Although Summer vacation is just about to start, we are already planning for the upcoming 2024 Fall Season which will be here before we know it. This letter will provide you with some important information you will need for the 2024 Fall Sports Season. We will be having our Fall Sports Information and Meet the Coaches Night on Monday, June 10th at 5:00PM in the NMHS Theater. You will be provided information regarding Athletic Department Policies and Expectations, Medical Information, Online Registration, Academic Eligibility, CIAC Information, and other important topics. All prospective Fall student-athletes are expected to attend this meeting with a parent/guardian. After my 30 minute presentation, teams will separate into breakout rooms to meet the coaches of the sport you are interested in. This individual sport meeting will provide the opportunity to meet the coaching staff of your child's potential sport, set up team communications, get specific information about the tryout schedule, philosophy, and team rules/expectations. Cheerleading and Dance are not required to attend as they have already had tryouts. Girls Cross Country will not be meeting after my presentation as they have already had a meeting. Unified Soccer will send out information when the new school year starts. This letter will also help provide you with how to find information about the NMHS Athletic Department, and with some reminders about the start of the Fall season.
The majority of the information you will need to know can be found on the high school web page under the “Athletics” tab. The link to this page is:
Here you can find:
The Athletic Handbook and Travel Release Form
Start Dates and First Day of Practice times and locations (will be updated with times in mid-July)
Game Schedules for the 2024 Fall Season (will be updated by the end of June)
Contact information for the Athletic Department and all of our Head Coaches
Resources for Parents and Student-Athletes
We are likely transitioning to a new and improved registration system for the 2024-2025 school year. Once the details are finalized, instructions and links to register will be communicated. Once Registration is open, the deadline to register for Fall Sports will be July 31st. It is essential that you register for your sport before this deadline to allow our nurses enough time to be able to confirm that physicals are up to date. Please check your physicals to make sure they are current. It is necessary that a SIGNED, UP TO DATE PHYSICAL IS UPLOADED TO THE REGISTRATION PAGE once registration is open. The ENTIRE physical must be uploaded. Physicals are good for 13 months. Again, instructions and links will be communicated when registration is up and running. Without completing the registration and uploading an up to date physical, a student may not participate in any practices or games.
Our coaches will be provided with a report of students on the first day of practice which will tell them who is approved or unapproved. Please make sure to register ahead of time to avoid any delays. Additionally, please review the Athletic Handbook on the high school web page so you are familiar with the expectations and policies of the New Milford High School Athletic Department. Our Coaches will also set up their own format of communication of team information.
A reminder that our Fall Sports include:
- Cheerleading - Dance
- Boys Cross Country - Girls Cross Country
- Field Hockey - Football
- Boys Soccer - Girls Soccer
- Girls Swimming and Diving - Girls Volleyball
- Unified Soccer - Golf
If you cannot make the meeting and/or if have sport specific questions, please use the contact information on the Athletic website for our Head Coaches. If you have any questions in regards to Athletics, please contact me either through email at:, or by phone at: 860-350-6647 ext. 1411. Looking forward to a great Fall Season!
Go Green Wave!
Keith Lipinsky
Athletic Director
New Milford High School
NMHS Class Act School Video
Turf Field Banner Sponsor Program - click on the links below for more information
Turf Field Banner Sponsor Letter
Turf Field Banner Application
Winter 2022-23 Sports Registration is now open. To register please click on the following link and complete and submit the registration: Family ID Winter Sports Registration 2022-23
To sign up for CIAC Schedule Updates, click on the following link and follow the instructions to get updates for specific sports: